Cookie Policy

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What is the purpose of our Cookie Policy?

UBIKIO SAS, which manages the website, attaches great importance to the confidentiality of your personal data, which represents for us a guarantee of seriousness and trust, including in terms of cookies.

As such, our Cookie Policy specifically reflects our desire to enforce, within UBIKIO SAS, the rules applicable to the protection of personal data and, more particularly, those relating to cookies used when you browse our site.

If you would like information on the other processing of personal data that we carry out, we invite you to consult our Personal Data Privacy Policy, which is accessible at any time on our website.

What is a cookie and does it directly identify you?

A cookie is a small „text“ file placed and hosted by a server on your device (e.g. smartphone, tablet or computer) when you visit a website.

A cookie does not allow you to be personally identified since it only allows you to identify your device via your IP address, as well as various information related to your browsing (e.g. browsing time, pages viewed, screen size, etc.).

What is a technical cookie and why do we use it?

The proper functioning of our website necessarily involves the use of technical cookies that we may use without your prior consent, on the basis of our legitimate interest in providing you with a functional website.

For example, a technical cookie makes it possible to remember the language of your website as well as the format of the site to facilitate future connections and navigation.

Thus, although we do not advise it, you can always oppose the deposit of these cookies on your device using your browser settings by following the instructions below: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox and Opera.

On the other hand, it is possible that, in this case, your experience as a visitor will be degraded. To restore a good browsing quality, it will be necessary to put back the technical cookies.

What is a statistical cookie and why do we use it?

A statistical cookie makes it possible to analyse the use you make of a website (e.g. browsing time, page visited, etc.) in order to improve your experience and provide you with a service adapted to your needs.

For our website, we use statistical cookies that are not exempt from consent and can only be placed on your device with your prior consent via our cookie banner.

What is an advertising cookie and why do we use it?

An advertising cookie can be used either to provide advertising on a website or to identify the source of arrival on a site of the visitor (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.).

We use advertising cookies to be referenced on search engines (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) and to identify the source of arrival of the visitor to our website.

Advertising cookies are only placed on your device with your prior consent provided via our cookie banner.

What personal data do we process with our cookies and for how long?

The personal data processed by the cookies we use are:

  • your IP address and a user ID that we create when you first log in in order to recognise you for a maximum period of 13 months
  • If you agree to the deposit of statistical cookies, your personal data related to your browsing on our website (e.g. pages visited, browsing times, etc.) for a maximum of 13 months, non-renewable, before any new connection before the 14th month

At the end of the retention periods specified below, we do not store any data about you. At most, we can anonymize your data for statistical purposes.

How do you control the use of cookies?

The right to refuse cookies can be exercised at any time using our cookie banner.

In the event that the cookie banner is no longer displayed, you can also configure cookies via the „manage cookies“ tab on our site or directly on your browser by following the instructions below: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox and Opera.

What rights do you have to control the use of your personal data used through cookies?

Applicable data protection regulations grant you specific rights that you can exercise, at any time and free of charge, in order to control the use we make of your data.

  • Right of access and copying of your personal data as long as this request does not contradict business secrecy, confidentiality, or the secrecy of correspondence.
  • Right to rectification of personal data that is erroneous, obsolete or incomplete.
  • Right to request erasure („right to be forgotten“) of your personal data that is not essential for the proper functioning of our services.
  • Right to the restriction of your personal data, which allows you to photograph the use of your data in the event of a dispute about the legitimacy of processing.
  • Right to data portability , which allows you to retrieve part of your personal data in order to store or transmit it easily from one information system to another.
  • Right to give instructions on the fate of your data in the event of your death either through you or through a trusted third party or beneficiary.

In order for a request to be taken into account, it is imperative that it is made directly by you at the address. Any request that is not made in this way cannot be processed.

Requests cannot be made by anyone other than you. We may therefore ask you to provide proof of identity if there is  any doubt as to the identity of the applicant.

Please note that we may always refuse to respond to any excessive or unfounded request,  particularly in view of its repetitive nature.

Can your personal data used via our cookies be transferred outside the European Union?

The statistical and advertising cookies we use may send your IP address and user ID outside the European Union to function. In this case, we ensure that these tools strictly comply with the applicable transfer rules in order to ensure the confidentiality and adequate protection of your personal data.

How can you contact the CNIL?

You can contact the „Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés“ or „CNIL“ at any time at the following address: CNIL Complaints Department, 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80751, 75334 Paris Cedex 07 or by telephone at

Can the Cookie Policy be changed?

We may modify our Cookie Policy at any time to adapt it to new legal requirements as well as new processing that  we may implement in the future.



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