Is your customer service overwhelmed with calls? Do your customers desire more responsiveness from you? With FIXEE’s intelligent customer support, empower your customers to be more self-sufficient in managing their issues and save precious time!
- More autonomous clients
- Fewer interruptions
- Better responsiveness
- Smoother organization

FIXEE, La vidéo Assistance Intelligente

Limit the number of calls with the simple assistant and optimize your response time
Are your teams often interrupted by incessant phone calls? By using QR codes on your equipment or sharing URLs, allow your customers to submit their service requests themselves without needing to call customer service!
- The customer scans the QR code or clicks on the intervention request URL.
- They complete a problem qualification form that you have configured beforehand.
- The technician is notified that an intervention request is pending and can act as soon as possible.
- The technician can then provide remote assistance by taking control of the client’s smartphone camera.
- Create as many specific forms as QR codes!

Take it further and delegate your level 1 support to Artificial Intelligence
Want to provide high-quality service and save even more time daily? Entrust the handling of level 1 requests to external intelligent assistants from FIXEE! Artificial Intelligence handles conversations with the customer to provide initial assistance.
Responses are immediate and in the language of your client’s web browser and can be in any language. If an expert’s intervention is necessary, the external intelligent assistant schedules an appointment with the expert collaborator associated with the equipment.
- Create as many dedicated external intelligent assistants as necessary to cover the level 1 support for your equipment fleet.
- Artificial Intelligence is trained on your proprietary documentation base, consisting of technical manuals and all the history of intervention reports that you have validated.
- When a QR code is scanned, your client is immediately handled by the external intelligent assistant associated with that QR code.
- The client explains their problem, and the assistant suggests solutions to be implemented, obtaining an immediate response in their language.
- If the problem persists, the level 1 external intelligent support assistant schedules an appointment with the technician collaborator associated with the equipment.
- The technician can then provide remote assistance by taking control of the client’s smartphone camera.
Gain productivity and improve customer satisfaction
With FIXEE, the end customer becomes much more autonomous in managing encountered problems. They receive quick responses to limit inconvenience and increase their own productivity. You create a competitive advantage while mobilizing your technicians on the most critical issues.
- Powerful competitive advantage
- Customer satisfaction
- Productivity gain
- Greater employee motivation

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